miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

my favourite piece of thecnology

My favourite piece of thecnology is an iphod. this is a to listend music, watching video clips and have other tipes of files. this is to study and recreated. I`ve got it since christmas, my mom bring me it. the iphod is very easy to use it, you don`t need know of thecnology to have one and make so many things with this. I love it because when I sad, I can see pictures of my family, listend music that bring back memories of friends and things like that. I think that everyone must have an iphod. You find it in many colors, desing and prices. It make your life easier, you don`t need have a mp3 to listen music, have a pendrive to save information, have a calendar for dates, and portable dvd to watch video clips.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello magda !
    I'm the first post in your blog ! hahaha.
    But, I don't know, I don't like ipod!
    Maybe because I never have had one...
    Thank you for post me, see you in the university :( (I'm tired of the university).

  2. My favourite piece of thecnology is an iphod. this is a to WF listend music, watching video clips and have other SP tipes of files. this is to study and WF recreated. I`ve got it since christmas, my mom TENSE bring me it. the iphod is very easy to use WW it, you don`t need know of thecnology to have one and make so many things with this. I love it because when I sad, I can see pictures of my family, listend music that bring back memories of friends and things like that. I think that everyone must have an iphod. You find it in many colors, SP desing and prices. It SVA make your life easier, you don`t need ^ have a mp3 to listen music, have a pendrive to save information, have a calendar for dates, and portable dvd to watch video clips.
    Publicado por magda K en 6:14 1 comentarios

    well done! i love my ipod too, i have so many things in it that if I lost it would n´t know what to do.
    Remember that in English sentences are shorter so connectors are a good idea

    p.s. you got a 5.5
