jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

my ideal job

My ideal job in an animal clinic, maybe in emergency. with this, you need to take the risk in all: what to do, what not to do, what is better for the animal, all that. you have to move always, you are excited all the time. It`s hard, it`s trued, but the experience that this give to you don`t have price. I think that this is my ideal job, i can`t imaginate in other job, or other career. this is me.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

my favourite link

I really love this link, because you find many information of animals in danger of extinction, domestic, exotic. all what you want. sometimes you read about animales that you never thinked that they exist. the problem is when the page don`t be updated and you want read new information. in my case , I don`t use much the computer but, this is the only page that I visit it.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

my favourite picture

she is my dog: "maite". This picture was taken by me the last year, after the breakfast in my house with my parents, my brother and my sisters. maite ate a lot and couldn`t move, so she went to the living to sleep. I really like this photo because represent to my family, we are a dog lovers, crazy dog lovers. Many people say: how you sleep with your dog, why you let that your dog stay all the day in the house. We always have excuses: she felt alone, was very cold this day... etc.. but not, is not for this. it`s basically beacuse: we love the dogs, and not many people understand.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

my favourite piece of thecnology

My favourite piece of thecnology is an iphod. this is a to listend music, watching video clips and have other tipes of files. this is to study and recreated. I`ve got it since christmas, my mom bring me it. the iphod is very easy to use it, you don`t need know of thecnology to have one and make so many things with this. I love it because when I sad, I can see pictures of my family, listend music that bring back memories of friends and things like that. I think that everyone must have an iphod. You find it in many colors, desing and prices. It make your life easier, you don`t need have a mp3 to listen music, have a pendrive to save information, have a calendar for dates, and portable dvd to watch video clips.